Summer Picnic

Bento order due July 7th, 2024.

Find Us

This year, the picnic will be at Magic Island (this is a different location due to park construction).

Bento Orders

Bento orders due by July 7th!

Picnic bentos this year are from Okinawan-owned Tatsuo’s. They will be $10 and includes shoyu pork, breaded fish, nishme, takuan, and rice. See Newsletter for who to send orders to or use our electronic form.

Keiki Art Contest Theme

The mission for this year is to find out from the oldest member of your family group what their favorite Okinawan food is and draw it! The art contest is open to keiki up to age 18.

1st Annual Video Contest


We need volunteers to make the picnic fun!

Setup - Be at Picnic site at 6am to help setup tents, unload prizes and games supplies.

Prize Distribution - Every game needs a prize and every prize need a handful of volunteers to hand them out! Come by the prize tent!

Takedown - Stay til the end of picnic and just help out with takedown.

All volunteers get a bag of goodies to take home. Thank you!


If you graduated from college or graduate school this year (or in the last couple years and haven't been recognized yet), let us know.  Contact Gene Kaneshiro 

At the Admin Tent

Buy Festival Scrip

See Ethel Teruya to pre-purchase your Okinawan Festival scrip. 30% of pre-festival sales goes back to the club!

Volunteer at the Festival

Get free Festival Admission and a volunteer meal ticket! Find out more information or sign-up to mix or cook andagi for the Okinawan Festival.  Details are tentative and subject to change:

*Bring your own head covering and non-skid shoes. They are required.

Being At Picnic
